Moving Day #2
Today, Gary came to pick up the gym. I'm glad Talli and I found someone who was willing to take that piece of equipment. For a while there, we were afraid that we'd have to pay someone to haul it away. Glad to not have to worry about that anymore. It took them only an hour to get it out of there and I barely had to help them, except when they were carrying it out. It was a tight fit out those doors. Afterwards, Talli and I came home and relaxed a bit before going shopping. First, we checked out OSH, but they have a no sales tax sale this weekend, so we decided to wait to buy the pots that we were going to buy. Then, we went to see my mom. We stayed there for a bit and my brother came home, which was cool. Then, we went to Navlet's to get some water plants and some soil for Talli's vegetable garden. We got some great plants that I'll feature in the blog; tomorrow most likely. Then we came back and did some yard work. Tomorrow, there will be some more yard and house work. Then, Robert's birthday party. Sunday, we'll go to the clinic to move the last of the things out and turn in the keys. That will be a huge moment for us. I'm looking forward to having the whole thing finished.
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